Rituals for SERENDIPITOUS confidence
Have you ever looked back and remembered random, unconnected events that lead you to a place that felt right? This month I was you to draw the energy from those moments and make time to trust in random events and the power for them to change your life in better ways.
Taking risks and chances is what allows joy to enter our lives. Its easy to think that when we trust our gut and follow along with a feeling, something ‘negative’ might happen but if you flip this is believe that there are no mistakes, no negative connotations to our choices, but each and every path we follow leads us to our true destiny. How good or bad it is is a matter of relativity, I truly believe in not having regrets and letting these chances we take a leap of faith to follow, are the the way life evolves into something suited to us eventually.
As I’m growing older, I’m finding the wisdom that comes with it is so enriching, it’s like I see life finally for what it is - its about the path I take each day towards my dreams, slowly, with quiet goals and even quieter confidence. Serendipity has lead me to my path as your guide, something I could not have imagined a few years ago - but I learn so much about myself and life by just turning up to serve you.
I’ve spent most of my life just making loose plans, I have goals but I don’t get to them in a traditional way, you could say they almost fall into my lap. I usually have something inside my heart that says ‘do this, take the chance or go here, or there’. I never plan things, but in my gut, they feel right. You know how much intuition plays a role in my decisions. So does it in my professional decisions.
When I look back to when I began my writing career, I remember I had no idea I’d ever be published - it all seemed impossible, a mere pipe dream. But I followed along with my curiosity. I encourage you to take the writing course you’ve been putting off, or the mentor you’re desperate to work with, write a little each day towards the book you want to write rather than wait for the ‘perfect time’. The time is always now, taking small serendipitous steps towards our soulful dreams.
This month I want you to make time to reflect on:
Learning to take advantage of chances, because serendipity is everywhere.
A ritual for serendipity
Create a sensory spice pot pourri and use it use in bath, as a foot soak, by bedside during journal practice or boil up as tea and you can also add it to a winter broth.
In a small muslin bag (ones you can buy for making bouquet garni for stock making) add 1 stick cinnamon, 1 stick cassia bark, 1 tbsp fennel seeds and 5 star anise. Tie up and use as above.
Let the moment allow you to find:
peace of mind
awareness of small things
creation of an open mind
cultivating curiosity
“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it”