
transformation with words


Transformation was a perfect theme for this month - it's the month I applied to do my Masters in creative writing next year, it's the month I believed I could create a course and did it, to help others to write a book proposal. 

I don’t want to go on wax lyrical about this theme because I think the main thought i want to leave you with this month is this: 

The only barrier to your transformation from a person who dreams of writing is the small change you need to make to transform your dreams into reality. 

Even if you aren't a person with a writer’s dream but a simple soul who wishes to do more, knowing you have more to offer the world - take that step, make the change, transform.

This month I am sharing 5 prompts I’d love you to write about - to help you to encourage self-transformation, challenge you to go deeper and shift your way of thinking - pushing you towards true transformation.

See meaningful change each day you journal about this - I encourage you to journal with these prompts repeatedly this week - come back to the same prompt in different ways, with different angles. 

What is your biggest dream…

Whats special about it, whats your earliest recollection of having it

Imagine, the dreams fulfilled - how do you feel

What else in your life gives you the same feeling ?

Rekindle a joyful past…

What used to full you with joy? Imagine a time you were doing this, close eyes. Where were you, what are the sights, smells sounds 

Go there, describe with you senses, what can you do to recreate that inner joy now? Write about it.

Everybody knows that…

What does everybody know about you? Whats the hat you wear and what is inside you that others don’t know and why? How can you change whats inside you to show the world what you really know?

Questions that restrain you…

Whats holding you back from your dreams ?

Describe the restraint, be detailed, weigh it against what you want and what is stopping you, is is really a restraint? Or is it just your own fear, procrastination or hesitation holding you back? Under what conditions could these no longer be restraints? 

Conjure your younger self to help you through…

…to move forward, go back to a memory of when you were a child and you were sad or disappointed, close your eyes and imagine yourself as that child, ask with you inner voice - ask the child whats happened how they feel and what they need, really listen

Consider you've grown and hanged and you're able to handle this differently - show the younger you have you have changed and handled this - thank the child for their feelings and the role they played.


Intentional scribing


Why, how and when.