
soothing the inside

The fire burns within. Whether it’s because of the heat from what we consume, the warmth that the seasons bring or the flame that burns within our hearts and minds.


When I was young, we traveled the world on merchant ships until I was about ten. It was just me and my parents, and the world was just an open sea away.

My mother had a passion for food and cooking which meant that where ever we went we’d discover the culture of a country through it’s cuisine.

Unfamiliar flavours and some not so favourable street side snacks meant that often we had upset tummies. My mother never believed in popping a pill for such ailments and always reached to her spice cabinet and made up teas and tintures in the kitchen.

But no time in the kitchen was without a story. My mother told me about how fire in the belly was caused not just by what we ate but by the temperament we had, the way the heart felt and that there was healing in herbs and spices that could counter balance this fire bringing a cool breeze to the soul.

the coolness of fennel

The use of fennel seeds in my culture is synonymous with an after dinner mouth freshener. I never realised its power as a child. Mummy would had over a teaspoon of these seeds reminiscent of childhood Gripe water and told me to chew on them after a heavy meal or when I was particularly anxious. There are properties of warmth or coolness in everything we eat - based on Unani medicine and Ayurveda - each ingredient effects the user and should therefore we consumed depending on the weather or emotional temperament (more on this soon). Unani medicine is what I grew up with, it’s based on principles of harmony and balance, uniting the physical, mental, and spiritual realms. Spices, herbs and natural ingredients are used to heal the body.

My mother made this tea - one that travelled with us wherever we went. Using her traveling spice kit, she’ make it where ever we were. When we didn’t have mint, she’d use some local herbs in the ports we travelled to, but it always had fennel seeds in it. It calms the soul, soothes the mind- each ingredient is cool. Drink this tea once a day, for calm, clarity and me time. Read more about fennel in the Spice Sanctuary.


This time is yours - use it well, make moments count. These mindset and mantra works will help you connect with the moment and find calmness.


I will nourish myself this season. I will walk the fields, breathe in the moment, explore the path before me. I am cool, gentle like summer breeze and warm like the balmy season’s air. Take time to work on these mantras, repeat them often and believe them. This moment is all that matters.


This month, make a conscious effort to not sound like everyone else. Sound like you. It’s your story that separates one from the rest. Think and write as you. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, it means you still need to reach inside and be brave to be you. You are perfect, you are you.

Share your feelings inside the community forum with us.


the traveling tea.

Makes about 2 cups. Drink hot or cold, once a day.

150 ml, water

10 Moroccan mint or any mint leaves, torn

2 slices fresh ginger

1 pinch ajwain (carom seeds)

1 tbsp fennel seeds

Boil up together. Bring to boil and then turn to simmer for 5 minutes until tea is dark. Pour and drink, no need to sieve unless the fennel annoys you.

Read more about fennel in the Spice Sanctuary.


The Ritual of Summer


Soulful healing