SavouredSURVEY FOR new content Thank you for taking the time to help me make Savoured more creatively calming and beneficial for you.Best,Sumayya x Name * First Name Last Name Email * NEW TOPICS * Please can you let me know which topics you'd like me to cover? Nourishing and eating well for creativity Learning to write in first, second and third person Understanding and writing about emotion in nonfiction Out of the 3 parts of the membership (Solace, Scribes, Seasons) which one do you find most helpful and would like it to remain in the membership? * NEW CONTENT IDEAS - Live feature * Here I'd like to see what future content you might find helpful? A monthly writing tutorial rather than a writer's hour The writer's hour should stay The writer's hour should be replaced with a live cooking tutorial What about a little of all three through the year Quarterly mini courses Is this something you'd like? Yes, a quarterly course that can help improve my writing Yes, a quarterly course that can help improve my cooking None of the above Both, alternating each month Guest speakers I'm thinking of invite quest speakers, with demos and talks, here are the sort of people I was thinking of asking - let me know your thoughts: Writers, cooks, makers, artists, creatives Writers only Cooks / Chefs only Creatives only Makers only ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNERS * I'm thinking of adding accountability partners let me know your thoughts yes I would love to work with someone else No I prefer to work alone YOUR THOUGHTS * This section is for you to offer suggestions, feedback and thoughts on Savoured. Thank you so much. Thank you!