3 reasons to find your writers’ voice.

”My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way” - Earnest Hemingway


and it’s how readers connect with you and the lens with which you see it.

So why is it important to work on developing your writer’s voice?

So many aspiring writers search for that coveted writer’s voice but many struggle to know where to begin. I had the same overwhelm - I didn’t know how to start and what it meant to have a unique voice, let alone develop my own. It was when I began work on discovering my voice that I realised the benefits of finding my voice are more than just about writing with a unique voice.

For so long I felt my words on a page looked weak, I wondered who would be interested in reading my writing because it felt so simplistic. Perhaps initially my writing was filled with naive expressions and a lack of honesty about who I was. It wasn’t until I embraced the practice of writing daily with a view to developing my voice that I found that not only did my writing improve but how I no longer cringed reading my writing. I saw within my writing, my inner voice - the way I perceived the world and how I truly felt. I knew then I had found my voice - because it was pure of pretences and promises of who I thought I would like to be rather it was my truth as the person I was now. With your voice you find a unique viewpoint and it’s as identifiable as a fingerprint. But the truth is finding your voice is more than just becoming a sought after writer, it’s about being true to yourself when you write, and that opens up a world of simplicity of just writing things the way you see them - offering the world a new perspective, a new way of seeing life

In this blog post, I want to share my top three reasons why the pursuit of finding your writer’s voice is worth the effort if you want to be a writer who is not only comfortable with their writing but also celebrates their individuality.

"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” –William Wordsworth


One of the main reasons why we struggle with putting our true voice on a page is that it’s hard to articulate inner thoughts without the fear of vulnerability. Being honest and unguarded is scary, we worry about what will people think of us and how will we come across. What if our writing isn’t good enough? All these fears run around in our heads and stop us from letting ourselves honestly appear on a page. It’s when you embrace your shortcomings, vulnerabilities, failures and weaknesses and share them honestly it is when that authentic voice really shines. It’s that voice that endears others, that connects and most importantly it helps you overcome a fear that is a barrier to finding your unique writer’s voice. Working on letting go of that fear does more for you than just improve authenticity in your writing - it brings clarity and conviction to your own life.


Our individuality is a gift - a gift to share, to inspire and to trust. Writing with the inner voice, undeterred by fear is a powerful thing and expressing our individuality with is a gift for readers. But it’s also our responsibility as writers to share our own unique perceptions of life and the world. Expressing the way we see the world, the lens through which we perceive life will never be the same as another person, yet the familiarity of emotion will resonate with others, and the unique outlook will inspire. Expressing your individuality is something that is worth sharing, and once you find your voice and write with it embracing confidence then you truly have found something magical to share with the world and the means to leave a legacy.


I think being a writer who owns their truth no matter how dark, messy or confusing it might be, is enlightening the world with resonation. In a world that is so scattered and disconnected in many ways, writing the truth as you see it is refreshing and needed. As a writer who finds comfort in telling stories with their unique viewpoint not only has a power to change perceptions but also connect people around the world. If you’re a writer craving connection with the world, working on finding your writer’s voice is the best way to begin.

The most liberating aspect of finding your writer’s voice is the ease with which you can tell your story once you push aside the fear of being yourself. If working deeply on your writer’s voice is something you have been wanting to do or would like to work on a little more then my 21-day email and audio course WORDSMITH is perfect for you.

Each day you’ll receive an email with a writing exercise, a prompt and a little guidance on how to develop and find your writer’s voice. This course is based on my own slow writing method - which is all about a holistic way of nurturing your mind, body and spirit to allow your creativity to thrive so that you find ease in finding and developing your voice.




Launches 21st June 2023




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