Your talent is precious, it is sacred. Don’t undermine it with negative self-talk or berate the lack of perfection. Take time to journal about your inner gift, because something bought you here - which means that inside there is pure beauty that needs to come out into the world, and for this you need to nourish and nurture your talent. It begins with accepting it, owning it, so I’d like you to connect with the why this month - spend a week on this. Journal daily using the prompt below and think of different angles each day.
Recognise your talent. Approve of the fact that you are enough.
We are all told that hard work, talent and luck are the three factors that lead to success and fulfillment of dreams but what truly sets real success apart from a flash in the pan is tenacity.
Taking the time to not give up isn’t easy - just writing that one more query letter, just one more idea to make an impact and pushing through one chapter to get to the end.
Have the tenacity of a weed.
I’ve battled enough with the weeds in my garden to know I’ve never seen tenacity like that, pull it out but its back - thats what you need to cultivate if you want to find the dreams to your creative path. What you’ll accomplish with tenacity is true growth, so push through that block in the road and with this month’s second prompt below explore what holds you back, why whether you can keep going and getting where you want to go.
The most precious commodity of all - We are all guilty of saying we don’t have enough time to write or create, because we have family commitments, work or other priorities that we put first. The thing is no matter how precious time is, there is always some to be squeezed out, the truth it that magic lies in our control and how much desire we have to achieve our dreams. I know you’ll say no, I really don’t have time - but there really are ways to create time. Time out of moments means discomfort, because we need to give something up to gain something we really want.
Here are some ways that I can offer you that you might like to consider, to make those extra 30 minutes a day for pure creativity - uninterrupted by the demands of your life.
Promise yourself a 30 day challenge 30 minutes a day: set a project, get a 30 day diary or notebook, on each page write a task a day, take 30 minutes out of your morning or night before sleep and block out everything else and work on just that task - don’t think about the previous one or the one after, be present with the task at hand. This can be a writing exercise, a create pursuit or reading, anything you want it to be.
Adopt the Pareto Principle - 20% effort= 80% results. So if you find a way to only take out 30 minutes of your day to involve yourself deeply into your creativity, you’ll find with consistency the output you’ll get is 80% growth - because it is when we truly are present and accepting of the time for our craft that we put 100% into it, without guilt, without fear, without excuse.
Make time by saying no: stop saying you’re too busy to make time for you, find these ways to say no to what doesnt bring you closer to your dreams:
- Say no to being busy all the time but achieving little,say no to negative people
Drop anyone who holds you back
Drop high expectations from yourself
Drop distractions that stop you from achieving your goals.
This month I’d like you to journal with the prompt below, revisit it option and tackle it from different angles. It’s more a statement than a question, use it as you like.